Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Quick/Random idea

Sorry, this post is going to be quick and a little vague. I may have went off on a tangent here but I thought it would be interesting to make the barrier dynamic in some way. If we broke the 4x8 panels in to 36 11" x 11" panels, and hung them on rods (with bushings between to maintain their position), we could make the panels spin. Each panel would have two sides, and create interesting and engaging graphic opportunities. The colors in the examples are rather arbitrary, and just to show the potential, sorry if it's a bit aggressive on the eyes.

I can imagine the wind blowing through these, or people moving them as they walk along the construction site. It's simple, but it would create a unique and dynamic aesthetic, as well as provide for some tactile interaction as well.

1st person view:

An example of the joints connecting each barrier. There would be four on each barrier, two on each side:

These ties would help the rods maintain lateral stability. Also there would be some sort of bushing at the top and bottom of each panel to help them maintain position, but I didn't show it:



  1. exciting! i like it for its play element and interactive quality. also, it's good that we keep in mind how these individual panels are connected collectively to create interesting spaces. we should keep pushing for crazy potentials but should we eventually decide on how far the 4x8 module will break down? like no more than 8 2x2 squares as shown on jesse's post? unless we think a smaller grid can be do-able.

  2. I added some imagery to my post which incorporates the kinetic panel design (sort of, although not nearly as detailed).

    I also very much like the design though, and think the movable panels make it much more likely to cope with heavy wind loads. I do wonder how much it will do to dampen noise and dust though, which will simply waft/sift through the panels.

  3. lacey, was this what you were thinking about when you saw this?
